Results for week beginning 2014-02-24
People who posted
- chrismaury:
- christine:
- cole:
- colin:
- docpopular:
- gleitz:
- maira:
- matt:
- paul:
- randylubin:
- thisisparker:
People who failed to post
- adikamdar
- alexeymk
- carl
- emily
- jason
- judytuna
- mikek
- toby
People punted for excessive outstanding balances:
- alexeymk
- mikek
Beer pool:
This week: | $40 |
Total: | $0 |
Paid: | $0 |
Previously Punted (pay $30 to return):
- evan (2013-11-11)
- joseph (2013-12-30)
- stars (2013-11-25)
- trip (2013-11-18)