Results for week beginning 2024-05-13

People who posted docpopular: New Shirt Design for Mission Comics gleitz: I’m losing my edge To better-looking people with better ideas and more talent But I was there! matt: Leonard the barber steen: Financial District Wind Sensor vivek: Read a book more than once People who failed to post claire Beer pool: This week: $5…
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Results for week beginning 2024-05-06

People who posted claire: 媽媽 docpopular: Sickid’s Sticker Slaps in San Francisco gleitz: Magnetism matt: Mother’s Day 🌮🔔 steen: Homemade Lentil Tofu vivek: You can’t do everything People who failed to post Beer pool: This week: $0 Total: $45.0 Paid: $0 Debts: steen $20.0 claire $15.0 docpopular $5.0 matt $5.0 Previously Punted (pay $30 to…
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Results for week beginning 2024-04-29

People who posted claire: “they now believe the adults don’t care to understand.” docpopular: The Skywalker Marathon: 22 Consecutive Hours of Star Wars gleitz: A morris for May Day matt: Road trip: Eclipse chasing steen: SFO Wind Speed vivek: Beware the dark side of growth People who failed to post Beer pool: This week: $0…
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Results for week beginning 2024-04-22

People who posted claire: The Battle of Algiers (1966) docpopular: Earth Day Trixel Art Happy Birthday, Pedro Flores gleitz: “Hard Sushi” matt: Road trip: LA spring break steen: Frankenstein vivek: Be the one not talking 1200 most frequently used words People who failed to post Beer pool: This week: $0 Total: $45.0 Paid: $0 Debts:…
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Results for week beginning 2024-04-15

People who posted docpopular: Mike Hale’s art for “Responsive Counterweight” tutorials gleitz: Welcome to the buds of spring! 🌱 matt: Mt. Tam bike ride steen: Multiclassing in Multiplayer vivek: There can’t be this many bests People who failed to post claire Beer pool: This week: $5 Total: $45.0 Paid: $0 Debts: steen $20.0 claire $15.0…
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Results for week beginning 2024-04-08

People who posted claire: out-of-body, out-of-world docpopular: Getting A Yo-Yo Shout-Out in The Middle Of a Graffiti DVD from 2005 gleitz: Poetry in Motion matt: Jackiepalooza 2024 vivek: Invite play into your process People who failed to post steen Beer pool: This week: $5 Total: $40.0 Paid: $0 Debts: steen $20.0 claire $10.0 docpopular $5.0…
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Results for week beginning 2024-04-01

People who posted claire: Eclipse tomorrow ! docpopular: #SidewalkFriends: Christy’s Slide in the Sky gleitz: Springtime, with Virginia Bluebells Springtime, with Virginia Bluebells matt: On the road steen: Cursed Lamb vivek: Darkness is not the same as evil People who failed to post Beer pool: This week: $0 Total: $35.0 Paid: $0 Debts: steen $15.0…
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Results for week beginning 2024-03-25

People who posted claire: Merry Christmas, Mr. Lawrence (1983) docpopular: Visibly Mending My Blackbird Raum Shirt gleitz: Love and Endearment matt: Leaving Vanta Leaving Vanta vivek: How to install a better dictionary on your Mac Approach the unsaid corners People who failed to post ray steen People punted for excessive outstanding balances: ray Beer pool:…
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Results for week beginning 2024-03-25

People who posted vivek: How to install a better dictionary on your Mac Approach the unsaid corners People who failed to post claire docpopular gleitz matt ray steen People punted for excessive outstanding balances: ray Beer pool: This week: $30 Total: $55.0 Paid: $0 Debts: claire $15.0 steen $15.0 docpopular $10.0 matt $10.0 gleitz $5.0…
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Results for week beginning 2024-03-11

People who posted claire: No Cuts to Libraries! docpopular: Instant Band Night gleitz: Then I Ain’t Going matt: Moving home steen: A Midsummer Night’s Dream vivek: Don’t fake it until you make it People who failed to post ray Beer pool: This week: $5 Total: $60.0 Paid: $0 Debts: ray $30.0 claire $10.0 steen $10.0…
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